Oct 14, 2010


ok so i haven't been posting AT ALL - i know! we were in an EPIC EDITING HOLE and i just started to emerge again. it happens, sorry. what i can say though, is that i think we have found the movie. although SRSLY in roughcutland, i can finally see the form! one part i am still struggling with is this whole question of gentrification. it's like - been pushed on me as the DZAma of the story, but i guess deep down in my heart, it doesn't genuinely feel like TENSION, or like what's REALLY AT STAKE for me in talking about the intersection of wildness and silver platter communities. that is to say i have MANY fears and sensitivites that i hope will play out in the film, but gentrification feels like sooo not enough of the right word for it. still writing, still searching. i want to dedicate a post to this actually, so if doesn't happen in the next few days pls remind me?

last night was another sweet GROWN of many birthday cakes and candles and the renunion of NGUZUNGUZU-! asma is home for 3 days while in the middle of another MIA tour and KINGDOMM moved to town too! so we all got to hold hands for a minute. i continue to live under a rock - getting ready for CA biennial and new series of nyc projects for the spring summer and fall!! and TONIGHT IS MIA IN LA at the lyon followed by

oh yea! what was that photo up up above? it's LGL ! we just had our monthly core meeting yesterday. I FUCKING LOVE LGL it's been such a looong erratic endearing path, but our organization continues to grow and define itself. we are officially HUNG IN THERE. one thing i used to obsess about was whether our clinic was "sucessful" enough - like were we helping enough people?? but i feel committed to the slow spread and accumulation of trust, and realize that the idea of GETTING RESULTS can be a pitfall for organizations like ours. so goez the NPIC, efficient quanitifiable RESULTS are often achieved at the sacrifice of radical governance (ie not just the white legal "experts" making the decisions and setting the agenda). so we are developing more slo.w.l.y., but i believe we have what it takes to get there. there is something so FUCKING AMAZING about getting to hang with a TRUE COMBINATION of qpoc community folks and lawyers (AND qpoc lawyers!) - it just feels SO GOOD. we are committed to building this safe space above everything.

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