Nov 8, 2009

installing today for RJ Messineo - opening this tues

i would not call IMPRENTA a gallery. but at the same time, it's kinda nice to realize that you can take and use whatever you want from from the commercial art world and feel good about it. like really just decorum maybe. we pick the artist up from the airport, we pay for all her meals, we pay for the production of the work, and we physically labor on it. actually wait commercial galleries don't even usually do that. but whenever anyone does that, this is a good thing yea? one of the ways that IMPRENTA can function is as a "project space," and that's how RJ is using it. she has reorganized the entire room, directing us how she wants everything arranged, down to the details of the wall trim. and she can do that because it's something available to her, a liberty i guess - strange specific thing that a project space is. she's thinking about the whole space, the whole block, everyone coming and going from here, who what why here... she's fucking smart. and she's making a gorgeous thing i really can't wait! for tuesday... 8-10pm yall.

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