Jun 13, 2010

back to the kitchen

i started cooking again at canele restaurant cause i wanna get my chops back for GROWN DINNERS (coming soon!) so i've been pretty braindead for the past 48 hours... not much to report except OH for LA readers you probably noticed that the TABLE is not happening anymore... sorry i soooooo meant to write about that in a timely manner. in a nutshell there was no drama, it just wasn't coming together in an organic way. so while there were all the right reasons to do the party- sometimes that's not a good reason to throw a party you know what i mean? especially for javier i think because there was more pressure to make income. also i think there was some pressure to recreate wildness which none of us wanted to do, and we couldn't anyway. plus now it seems everyone is so likE BIZNESS READY all of a sudden, like MS ASMA going on tour with MIA and NGUZUNGUZU & TOTAL FREEDOM in general flying on planes to dj gigs and stuff. wut wut? and me, well i'm making a lot of quiche ;)

that's right bitches i made that quiche!

it feels good to be able to cook and focus on the movie -cause we are DEEP into editing world... so i'm trying to stay loose and be a little more of a normal person who sees my friends and stuff. friday i went to a community screening at the new artist-run human resources (OMG mariah garnett's new VIDEO ART shitkickness) & champagne toast for my barbarian's DOCTOR malik gaines. yesterday went to a picnic in griffith park to share some quality lawn chair lazing with my LGL pal saul sarabia and susan burton founder of a new way of life- which is like you guys THEEE raddest prisoner re-entry program in LA... seriously though i feel like i have a lot more thoughts about TABLE in the end, about collaboration and like i dunno SPACE and MONEY, so i will share more as it becomes "available" to my brain... kissy

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