do you ever get obsessed with an idea, and then all of a sudden it seems like everyone around you is talking about it?? i was just listening to an NPR show about quantum physics and i could've sworn they were talking about queer community. or it's just this idea more generally that 'community' only exists through the process of representation. this guy was talking about subatomic particles. but basically it's the same idea, that the act of measuring something changes it's location. so you can never simultaneously KNOW where something is- you can only predict- cause as soon as you make the calculation it changes the data. umm or something. but that just feels so much like COMMUNITY - like act of making a representation of a group always changes its MOMENT. like there is only a true feeling cohesion if you don't name it, or record it, or whatever. and as soon as you do, it's over. not that that's at all a bad thing, it's an important failure. cause people always think that respresentations are supposed to REPRESENT them. WRONG. riiight?
i'm presenting about community-rep at XTRA benefit this friday at pacific design center. it's a one-minute talk about a silver platter snapshot by nightlife legend paul monroe, who coincientally has a show opening at the ONE archives verr soon.
SO YEA. THE MOVIE! i just started working on the last final and epic layer. it's gonna be blockbig. so big that the movie is turning into a LIVE PERFORMANCE. coming soon to every theater near you...
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